Ezekial #1- Created and Written by David Kraine, Art and Letters by Patrick Beavers

Ezekial is a compelling story of an ordinary boy, born on earth but whose parents had to flee amidst the destruction of planet earth, finding refuge on New Earth. Kraine’s written story is great- as with all comics it’s relatively brief at first, but the back story grows the more you read and there’s enough detail to cement a reader’s interest, without giving too much away.

The characterisation is strong, believable and relatable despite the supernatural references to Ezekial’s abilities; strengthened by the clear and concise style Kraine writes with. What was meant by ‘I’ll find you’? I can’t wait to read the next instalment. The artwork is simply fantastic; the images of the forest in which Ezekial lives are particularly stunning.

EzekialThe colours used by Beavers are highly appropriate and intriguing, overall the artwork has a certain ‘oil-painting-esque’ quality to them, which was a welcome change to the somewhat ‘plasticky’ finish I’ve found in other comics. I would definitely recommend Ezekial to fans of the sci-fi/ supernatural, it’s especially suitable for anyone just venturing into the world of comics.

© Gemma Feltham 1st March 2014


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